17 May 2010

Babies, Babies, Gunblast in Prague

After some personal confusion last week, I'm here to recount the actual Gossip Girl season finale for you, right now, right here. Last week left us with marriages crumbling, friendships dwindling, and Jenny still doing everything wrong. Last night's episode closed off all those issues with what felt like the razing energy of a bomb blast. Seriously, everything that used to feel like a problem is now miles behind our favorite upper east siders - they've got much huger dilemmas to deal with over the summer. For starters, Dan's theoretically a father-to-be. Besides that, Jenny and Chuck finally came full circle from that rooftop scene in season 1, with implications that are wiping everyone out. And finally, Chuck's got some serious gunshot wounds to deal with during these summer months. Unless, of course, he died.
  • When Rufus and Lily aren't fighting, they wax philosophical about what it is to raise a daughter. And the resulting conversation is hilarious.
  • It was a huge relief that Nate and Jenny didn't do what we all thought they did at the end of last week's episode, after all. It was an even huger relief to find out Chuck was still sharp as a tack, guessing what happened with only Nate's snoring and Jenny's New Moon pay-per-view order as clues. He was the president of the Limo Detective Teen Agency for a reason, you know.
  • Dorota is ready to POP.
  • Blair asserts her love of Harry Winston and Harry Winston alone at breakfast with her parents. Ah, tradition.
  • Then she calls Chuck a "Basshat." And we're back!
  • How did Dan and Serena end up in the same bed? Wasn't Dan one of the people who helped Nate nab Dad der Woodsen last week? What's the difference between what Dan did and what Nate did? Oops, too much thinking. It's Serena. Besides, I like it better when she's with Dan.
  • Serena took her pants off just to sleep. Oy, Serena.
  • I love that Serena is able to sic Blair on Jenny just in one short phone call. It's a nice way to see how manipulative she is without even realizing it.
  • Blair's smackdown of Jenny is phenomenal. Pure Season One Queen Bee Blair. She basically lets Jenny know that no one loves her - there are six older kids, and they all paired up and love each other - leaving Rufus as the only one who could love Jenny, and maybe even he doesn't anymore. Sowwy Jenny but it's true.
  • At one point, Dan asks, "Why...when did we start talking about Chuck Bass?" Story of Dan Humphrey's life.
  • I called it - Dorota obviously went into labor. Which of course leads Chuck to "close his heart forever" when Blair doesn't show up, and she could have texted by the way.
  • When Rufus tells Jenny he's sending her to her mother's house in Hudson, she grumbles, "Dad, the city's all I have." LOL.
  • It only takes until about 7:20 for Chuck to make his hugest mistake yet with Jenny. Yuck, I can't talk about this. I don't want to think about it. It's too gross in too deflating a way. AND IT HAPPENED ONLY HALFWAY THROUGH!
  • Dan and Serena look at the hospital nursery and pick out their baby selves, and immediately after, Georgina slinks in and murmurs, "one of those babies is going to grow up to do something that makes all the other babies hate her." Please Georgina, don't steal Dorota's new baby. Oh, I see - you're pregnant. Why would that make everyone hate you? That's some pathological thinking.
  • Eleanor Waldorf is finally likable when she's cradling a baby she's in love with. Finally.
  • Let it be noted that Blair Waldorf got something out of the trash for Chuck. Granted, they were her peonies. But she literally took her own hand, reached it into a trash can, and pulled it out. Come on, Chuck.
  • Did I just fast forward by a Sex and the City 2 commercial where SJP is wearing a tuxedo? I will get a picture of this, I promise.
  • Back from the break, Eric marches downstairs to see a wrecked Jenny. Oh yeah, she does have someone who loves her. It's Eric! Too bad she finishes their conversation by telling him not to touch her or tell anyone.
  • Dan makes a "she needs help" joke when Eric earnestly asks him to help Jenny in the hospital chapel. Oh, Dan.
  • Chuck and Blair take a walk in the city, and Chuck pulls out a ring box. I can understand him wanting to hide away the Jenny indiscretion, but how audacious could he be to propose half an hour later? Dan flying-punches him for his first and last time ever, and then Rufus shows up for some reason. "Hi kids!"
  • On the phone with Dan, Nate says "You fired a shot at me, I fired a shot at you," but instead of "fired," I heard "farted."
  • Why do Nate and Chuck deal with being newly single by having depressing pre-threeways with Ileana Douglas-looking women? These guys need better role models.
  • Dan googles a ticket to Paris rather than Binging it!
  • For Georgina to be pregnant with Dan's baby is 100% Dan's fault for ever going within 6 inches of that evil trainwreck. No sympathy there.
  • Oh Lord, please don't let Chuck be dead!
And here's the necklace to end this whole necklace thing (I hope):

So that was season 3 of Gossip Girl. Jenny became evil, Chuck met his mom, Blair got into Columbers, and Dan/Vanessa/Serena/Nate switched partners like they were at a hoe down. Oh, and Lily beat fake cancer. My predictions for season 4:
  • Which other parents do we still need to meet? Vanessa's dad, I guess. Huh.
  • Jenny will come back once to do something AWFUL, just like Georgina does all the time.
  • And speaking of Georgina, it will become abundantly clear that she's wearing a pregnancy belly and stole someone's sonogram pictures. Dan will have already married her, anyway.
  • Vanessa stays in Haiti forever!
  • Dan and Serena have an affair while Dan is married to Georgina, finally putting that big check-mark by "adultery" on Serena's bucket list.
  • Lily will get pregnant, too!
  • We'll meet some new characters? I think we've got to. These people can only date each other so many times. Seriously, my thoughts were, "Nate dates Blair! Oh, he did that. Then he dates Serena, instead! No, Becky. Vanessa? Already did that. Jen- nevermind."
  • Chuck will survive but will for some reason be in love with Serena.
  • Blair and Dan will slowly but surely become best friends!

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