11 March 2013

Walking Dead Recap: Arrow On The Doorpost

Communication is key. So many wars have been avoided by leaders engaging in simple heart-to-heart chats, just by seeing eye-to-eye, or no wait, that's not true at all, and it's definitely not true of Walking Dead, either. Rick and the Governor meet up in a dilapidated barn to hammer out some sort of truce, but they end up back where they started: a Zombiepocalypse where men pose more of a threat than walkers. Now that's crazy.

Right off the bat, the Governor and Rick waltz into a barn and circle each other for a while before Gov suggests dropping their weapons "in good faith." He puts his gun belt on the table, but then he sits down next to a gun taped to the underside of the table. This is stupid. Obviously even if he puts his first gun down, Rick would be expecting him to have a secret second gun. So it DOESN'T MATTER if it's under the table or in his pants or up his nose. This isn't The Godfather. Nobody patted anybody down.

Outside, the Governor's crew makes friends with Rick's crew. Martinez and Daryl have an impromptu zombie kill-off and realize they'd make cool rebel friends. Daryl's even like "You army or somethin'?" That's basically the same as saying "I like your whole deal. Can we please be friends immediately forever?"

Hershel and Milton bond over Hershel's amputated leg and how Milton never thought of such a clever idea. Milton was the worst, most useless scientist on earth before the Zombiepocalypse. Now he's the king of the losers. It's like in Saved By The Bell how there were nerds, who were smart, but then there were dorks and doofuses, who were lame AND stupid. Milton falls into the lame AND stupid group. He wants to see Hershel's stump, but Hershel's like "at least buy me a drink first!" Nobody makes Hershel seem cool and edgy like Milton does.

Back at the prison, Merle wants to go AWOL and assassinate the Governor. Nobody will let him  because Rick said to stay put, so Merle gets into a roll-around fight with Glenn. Nobody can stop the carnage but Beth, who shoots a bullet into the ceiling. THANK you, BETH, for ruining an otherwise watertight shelter. How about you sing some Travis Tritt song up through the hole in the roof so MORE zombies can come and stand outside the prison?

Rick and the Governor just aren't seeing eyes-to-eye. Rick wants to use a nearby river as a natural boundary to their claims, but the Governor just wants to be a COMPLETE PSYCHO. Andrea can't understand it. They send her away and she walks out of the barn like "Oh boy, I don't know what to do with my hands right now oy oy oy oh boy!"

It looks like we've found another foil for Rick in this crazy Governor guy. His wife died, too, and he had a child he struggled to protect. With Morgan's son and the Governor's daughter dead, the fact that Rick's son is still alive seems like a lucky fluke. Remember when Carl got shot in the chest? Looks like Rick needs to add "survivor's guilt" to his long list of cognitive issues. PS I keep hearing a baby cry in the background. Add it to the list.

The Governor lays it out for Rick in a pretty clear way, for a crazy person: Bring him Michonne and he promises he won't attack the prison. I guess Milton's worked out a way for Michonne's presence to bring back Gov's eyeball. Because otherwise, it has become incredibly clear that the Governor is a sinister, torture-loving freak. He wants Michonne so he can mutilate her, plus much, much worse. At least we know who we're dealing with now? Just kidding, we always knew.

Maggie and Glenn finally have sex for the first time since the Governor made her take her top off. This is a good thing for them, theoretically, but for me it's a heart attack waiting to happen because who knows when a bunch of zombies will come pouring into whatever love shack they've created? It's nice to add dimension to their relationship, but PLEASE close the door a LITTLE more, just in case, please?

Rick and the Governor part ways, agreeing to meet again in two days. The Governor immediately orders Martinez to reneg on their deal if he should see anyone from the prison gang march up with Michonne. Kill them all but leave Michonne, he says. It's the "best way to avoid a slaughter." "That is a slaughter," says Milton, who I guess grew a brain & a pair in the last ten minutes. Then Mister Guv'na does a sloppy walk-and-talk with Andrea where he lies a bunch and she side-eyes him incredulously.

Rick tells the prison gang that it's hopeless - the Governor wants to kill them all. Outside he secretly tells Hershel about the Michonne deal. Hershel's like, "Welllll, she's helped us out a lot so far..." but Rick's like, "Wellll would you rather her stay alive or your daughters?" Somehow no one brings up how unlikely it is that the Governor would keep his honorable offer once he gets Michonne. Be smart, guys. And get some sleep, for God's sake.

photos courtesy amctv.com

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