This apple looks gross on the outside but is perfectly harmless on the inside.
This apple looks regular - attractive even - on the outside but is FOUL on the inside. This is what my apples were like.
So I looked around for more recipes. Banana pie? Orange pie? Gross, both fruits decidedly antithetical to tasty piemaking (unless you add cream, which I didn't have). I found some sweet potato recipes, but with this sudden nice weather, I didn't want to lug us all the way back to autumn. Then Brian was like "BECKY! We have strawberries!" And so it goes.
I looked up a few strawberry pie recipes and found this one from I wanted to add balsamic vinegar to it because once my aunt made strawberries with balsamic, and the vinegar ended up making the strawberries taste strawberrier! So I added a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and tasted it, then added another splash. The end result didn't taste like balsamic at all. But slightly strawberrier.
This was also my first time making a lattice top for a pie. Ridiculously easy. I will draw an instructional illustration soon. Not to be pedantic, just to go pie-deep for the sake of a blog post about pies. Nuts, my brother was right. I am a hipster. OH GOD.
Here are some glamour shots of the mini pies:
I have a plan for redemption. It is pie-related. It might reverse my hipster blurts. It is PIESTORM:
courtesy of my roommate Colin
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