22 December 2009

Plane, Train, And Automobile(s) (And Crayons)

Back home in the beautiful, glorious, soon-to-rise-again South, it's a sunny 42 degrees F. I didn't even have to wear a coat today! I must be a quite a heel because I spent the past week telling everyone in New York how cold it could get in Atlanta. Boy, was I wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Ever since my computer had to get wiped clean a year ago, my iTunes play counts have been super depressing. Finally, finally, I've waited long enough to observe my new most-played songs, which I feel must tell a lot about my overall personality. I don't know what it says about me that Cat Power's "Sea of Love" used to be my most played (by a large margin), but I swear I didn't get it from Juno. At any rate, now that I have a fresh start, my most played song (48 so far - that's 12 above #2 (a true most-played!!)) happens to be Roxy Music's "Mother of Pearl." This says everything. It says I watch how i met your mother (I first heard the song as it played in season 1 Ted's imagination when he was picturing his wedding with someone other than Robin), and it says I love Bryan Ferry (which is an ongoing effort). It says I like great music. It says, "Come listen to me again, Beck!" AND I DID, JUST NOW.

Also I went to 2 Targets today and made purchases at both. One of the things I bought was a box of 120 crayons for the low, low price of $6. There are incredible colors that I've never seen before in my old box (24 new ones, actually), and you're going to spend some time with the new crayons right now:

You may have noticed that keeping watch over the new crayons is a beautiful red crayon man sharpener. I assume he'll be a great asset soon. Here are the new and RIDICULOUS crayon names, left to right:

Shadow - slightly less black black
Antique Brass - like copper but more brown
Beaver - I guess it's technically better than "Doody Brown," but how much better?
Desert Sand - redundant. There's already one called "Tumbleweed" and nobody does desertscapes anyway
Fuzzy Wuzzy - perhaps they had to replace "Beaver II" with something else?
Sunset Orange - indeed
Cotton Candy - not really
Pink Flamingo - I can't wait to make a 40 year old's lawnscape with this one
Blush - this might come in handy for portraits
Pink Sherbert - my fave flave of sherb!!! Just kidding. I wish I liked sherbert. I did once. I will again.
Razzle Dazzle Rose - my soon-to-be stage name
Radical Red - Joan from Mad Men's soon-to-be stage name
Neon Carrot - Carrot Top's soon-to-be...oh. NM!!!
Piggy Pink - this is outstanding. The wax is so much lighter than the paper surrounding it that it looks like a super tanned woman with white lipstick on. It's SO MOD.
Sunglow - probably goes with Sunset Orange
Unmellow Yellow - they uncall me this
Banana Mania - I might have called this Banana Mana. Sure, it doesn't make sense. Does Banana Mania?
Almond - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Canary - like the paper!
Electric Lime - is that redundant? Aren't most limes electric? That's why they taste the way they do. Everybody knows that.
Screamin' Green - feh
Caribbean Green - I'll give it a whirl (if I may quote Home Alone)
Fern - fat chance! It won't get a chance to fern now that it's mine! Yeah?
Mountain Meadow - that explains why there's a headstrong nun singing on the side of it
Aquamarine - like the jewel, I guess. But it's not like gold and silver and all those. It's just normal.
Manatee - manatees are grayish blue? What I don't know about manatees astounds me.
Blue Bell - this will probably look like Cornflower Blue. I haven't tried any of them yet!
Outer Space - the darkest blue I've ever seen. I know this because I actually did try this one. I will draw at least three spacescapes with only this crayon.
Purple Heart - did they get the military to ok this?
Eggplant - makes a lot a lot a lot of sense.


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