22 July 2010

What An Idea For A Movie!

Have you heard about this? An Arab guy pretended to be Jewish so he could have a relationship with this Israeli woman, and now she's pressing rape charges (she had given consent under false pretenses). If the guy weren't going to jail, I would've immediately copy/pasted this story into Final Draft and gotten a genius screenplay out of it. As it stands, you can't end a movie with your hapless, in-way-over-his-head hero doing hard time. It doesn't sit well. And so-

What I Might Have Called the Hilarious Romantic Comedy That Could Have Come from This Fiasco:
  1. The Odd Couple
  2. How to Lose a Jew in 10 Days (alternate: How to Lose a Jew in 6 Days (War))
  3. Circumcise Me!
  4. The Yarmulke Job
  5. The Fertile Crescent
  6. Love Is Rael!
  7. Caught in the Middle East
  8. Uh-Oh, It's Yom Kippur and I'm Not Fasting
  9. Peace (and Love) in the Middle East
  10. Sleeping With the Enemy of State
11. Sheesh in the Middle East
12. Guess Who's Coming to Seder
13. I Ran Shofar Away (that has more to do with music, though)
14. We'll Always Have Hummus
15. The Girl with Haifa Heart
16. Knesset and Tell
17. Strife with my Wife
18. Finders Kippahs
19. West Bank Story
20. When Jewy Met Palestiney...

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